It seems that each year the weather turns gorgeous just before St. Patrick's Day. Enough so that St. Patrick's Day, over the past few years at least, has been the first day that I pull the bike out of winter hibernation. Even if I KNOW for sure that we will get snow once more before spring truly arrives. Not jaded, just realistic, I know my home. :)
Given that I'm 30 weeks along on baking the pierogi in this oven, I'm hesitant. I'm hesitant, but not because I think that pregnant ladies should not bike.
Instead, I'm hesitant because I am clumsy. I frequently fall down, for no good reason. The clumsiest person I know, and since the hormones started working double time, my clumsiness has increased exponentially.
I'm torn. I love my bike and I miss it. Beyond that, I am going through some serious bicycle riding withdrawal especially with today and yesterday turning out to be 60+ degrees and sunny.
So, I guess I will just pull the bike up, give it a once over, fill the tires, and stare at it for a while before I decide to ride or not.
Decisions, decisions...
I say ride. Take it easy at first, with just a quick trip around the block. Your bike looks fairly steady (that is, it isn't a hard-core racer), which should at least assist in keeping you upright.
Of course, in 6 months or so, upgrade to the Yuba.
Don't worry Mackenzie! You'll be back on your bike in no time!
I wanted share a project that I'm working on with you. Thought you might like it…
Here is the link to our Kickstater (great site!) page - http://kck.st/c09uOF
Hope you like!
Stan Engelbrecht
Director / Photographer
Day One Publishing, South Africa
+27(0)82 928 6586
silencebegan (Skype)
/bicycleportrait (Twitter)
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