This fall was my first semester back to school in four years. My partner, Jon, and myself had some new household changes and challenges to tackle above and beyond the added adjustment of navigating full-time, nay, double-time grad school and a half-time job. He's been beyond supportive and understanding in every way imaginable, and I am more thankful that words can express to have him by my side constantly encouraging me and helping me down from the ledge when I'm a ginormous ball of stress. He is my rock. The end of 2008 allowed things wind down a bit, everything at this moment is more or less under control, and even thriving, for which I am also very thankful.
The calm of winter break has allowed me to reflect not only on aspects of my life that I can improve upon this upcoming semester and in 2009, but also brought to light the things that I let fall off by the wayside for the worse.
I'm chubby. Chubbier than ever before. When did this happen? I've lost lbs and been healthy weights, I've gained and been overweight. Well, I've always, in my mind, been a girl built with what we'll call a "more to love" physique. Overweight, not obese, but somewhat lucky for me curvy and fairly proportionate, even in my weight gain. The bubble butt is in the genes from ALL sides. I kid you not, even the youngest, thinnest, fittest, and athletic of my family members carry this back-side. Over the course of 26 years I have learned to embrace it. No matter how much I have ever gained or lost, it's always there to remind me to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Thank you, Noble/Morrison/Turner/Stensrud bubble butt, for teaching me such an important life lesson. Maybe I'll start referring to it as my "MacPack" an homage to Kirby Puckett and his "PuckPack"? Or not...
To what do I owe this latest case of "chubby"? I blame grad school, and my complete inability to manage school, work, home, and what my body needed. I think I have the tools I need now to improve that situation.
Things I will make time for in 2009:
1. I will ride my bike to school at least 3 times/week (once spring arrives).
2. I will consciously seek out at least 30 minutes of exercise five days a week.
3. I will eat healthfully and once again faithfully follow my Weight Watchers plan.
4. I will lose 20% of my weight over the course of 2009. I've got 51 weeks.
5. We will buy a house in lovely Nordeast and add to our family.
6. I will try a new sport: Looks like it's going to be broomball, wish me luck.
7. I will go cross country skiing at least 3 times before the snow goes away.
8. I will try a new recipe twice a month.
9. I will diligently use my Blue Sky Guide.
10. I will make a conscious effort to see my closest friends, more often.
11. I will give Jon a straight answer on when we can start trying for babies.*
* Disclaimer: My getting pregnant requires that we purchase a cargo trike for me to carry my sure to be big, poorly balancing, pregnant self, and thereafter: our children and groceries.
This one will do: TrioBike

Good luck with your goal! Let me know if there is anything I can do to support you in your journey. And babies, yeah for babies :)
You may be interested to know that while there are a lot of bakfietsen in the Netherlands, the mamafiets is actually more popular.
These come from the factory fitted with front and back child seats etc. You can see a photo here.
that tri bike reminds me of the bicycle vendors on the boardwalk..
oh, and I am 54 and need to lose 27...*L*
1 + 1= :)
Thanks for the humorous post.
Any chance we get to see a pic of you with your bike?
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